Friday, July 16, 2010

Charming Girls

I failed to meet the deadline for the post for Charming computer will not access the internet, and I am having to share my husband's computer...not a bad thing, but we seem to want to be on the computer at the same time.  So today is Friday...I'm Home Alone!  I love Kelly's idea to post our goals for the next two months and also a bit about Self Care.  It is very inspiring for me to visit other blogs belonging to so many talented quilters.  I get to see the beautiful quilts and hear the thoughts and ideas of others!
Les's see...goals for July and August?

1. Finish my first Schnibble quilt...Plan C.
2.  Get the binding on my Between Friends quilt.
3. Start on a Christmas present...rather than wait until the last minute!
4. Start on a fall quilt project that I have had in mind for over a year...I always get inspired in the fall of course!
5.  Quilt and bind at least one charity quilt...I am very behind on this project!
6. Get back to walking everyday...I have lost weight, but I still feel "fat" is all around the middle of course.
But I read yesterday that a study had been done that put forth the idea that women who are "apple" shaped have a better memory than those who are "pear" shaped.  Guess that explains why so many people tell me I have a mind like a steel trap.  Will I lose my memory if I lose the fat?  We shall see...that is one of my goals, but will I remember it?

Off to start my walk...hope I remember my way home if I should happen to lose any of the fat as I walk around the lake!  Then to the quilt shop to get the binding fabric for my Between Friends quilt....and a few supplies for the Harriet Hargrave quilt I am taking in August.

Have a pieceful day!


Darlene said...

Awesome goals - I'll be here cheering you on. You SEW girl.

Well, that explains why I can remember so many details - I need to remain apple shaped. LOL

julieQ said...

I am so with you! I have the little circle around my tummie too...went walking this morning, my memory is very bad, though...hmmm?? Have a wonderful day!

Carol said...

What wonderful goals...We'll all be walking together...hope we all don't lose our memories...LOL!

Lynda said...

I commend you on your goal setting. Hope you reach all of them. I have no chance of losing all of my memory tho...although it is sagging a bit.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Welcome to the Charming Girls. Good goals. And I laughed at your losing weight then not remembering. I'm pear shaped and I do forget stuff. Now I know it's all my rears fault.