On Saturday, Caleb came over to play in the backyard. He brought his t-Ball set and we played "baseball". He would line up his ball on the t and say "hit a home run for Uncle Matt" or sometimes he would say "for Grandpa Jack". Jack would have loved playing with this little guy...it's times like these that I miss him so much and realize that Caleb and Jordyn are never going to know him. He would have been such a loving, playful, attentive grandpa. I will never understand why God took him away from us...I guess that is a question that will never be answered. It's been 6 years...but it is still hard to stay up sometimes. Ok the tears are starting so off to another subject!

I spent Sunday afternoon "paper-scrapping" for a change...not digi! I made 4 layouts...just need to journal...that is the hard part for me. Art is in Canada on his fishing trip, so I am on my own this week. I'm sure it will go fast...I can keep myself busy and Caleb is spending next weekend with me for 3 days! I'm sure we will wear each other out!
Made a couple of new layouts for the new Creative team I am on at 2Bscrapped...they are having a heck of a time. I am sure they are just as frustrated as me....

She is so darn cute...wish she could come over and play, too!
The 4400 started again last night! I love that show! I took a quiz to see which 4400 I would come back as...big-hearted healer.
And tonight is The Closer....I love how Brenda fumbles through her daily life, but still manages to make the bad guy confess. Love to watch her whoop up on them!