I wish I could show something new that I have made recently, but it just has not happened! Last Saturday and Sunday, I spent the day in a class taught by Harriet Hargrave. She does amazing heirloom quilting on her Bernina...she is not a long-arm quilter. I learned a lot. That being said, she tossed out the idea that we would not be able to master the art of maching quilting unless we practiced for the next 6 months, and did not piece another quilt top. It is very hard for me to stay focused, so maybe this will sharpen my skills at being more focused. I tend to get caught up in making blocks and quilts, and have not got as many quilted as I would like. I can do free-motion quilting, but I sometimes think I would like my quilts to look more hand-quilted. There are a few tubs of quilt tops sitting in the closet...guess I should dig them out and see what I can accomplish! It is hard for me to decide what design I want on the quilt, then to get it marked so that I cans see it! Patience...focus...right?

It was back to school for Jordyn...cannot believe she is in the 1st grade! I love the dress she chose to wear for the first day of school, and this is her first year of riding the school bus.
She loved it...she is very social!
Caleb started Kindergarton this year. He has decided that it is ok...he has his own desk and most importantly, they get two recesses!
OK...off to mark a little quilt to get some practice work done.
Can't imagine that I will put piecing aside for very long, what do you think?