Over the weekend, our 6 year old grand-daughter came to visit us. She was on Spring Break and headed to Des Moines to stay with grandparents. While she was here, I took her to the sewing room and we made a Silly Girl doll. Jordyn really was not that interested in sewing because she thinks she wants a ranch with lots of horses. But we got started and she decided that "threading" was fun and relaxing. She is a very talented little artist, hopefully she will find sewing as another way to express herself someday!
It is snowing today...big, wet, fluffy flakes...what's up with that? There is about 3 inches on the ground, but I would imagine it will be gone by tomorrow. Sounds like a pajama day to me... in the sewing room...what do you think?

I agree----but please do not send that snow to Des Moines!
Ha! Ha!
PJ day--heavenly. Almost as good as sewing with your granddaughter.
Sounds like a good plan! What fun "threading" with your grand-daughter- she's adorable.
What a cutie! My sister told me she was driving in 3" of snow this morning to work - March and April often bring unpleasant surprises. :( blessings, marlene
I love pajama days in my sewing room but I don't get them very often. Darling little doll, I'll file that idea away with those cute monster dolls you made with your grandsons (I think).
Pajama day for sure!!
Snow, seriously?? I won't tell you what our weather has been or will be the rest of the week.
You have sewn the seeds...she will be a quilter someday, I just know it! She truly is a little doll!
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