Look who came to visit while I was out watering! Not too hot for this little guy! I noticed that part of his wing was missing, wonder what happened? I try to plant flowers that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds...so far this year, I have not seen a single hummingbird. Usually I can get at least 2 or 3 interested in the feeders....no such luck this year!
It's sad when one thinks it is too hot to go to the pool! So I am staying inside and trying to catch up on my Civil War blocks.
And Penelope finally has a face!
These are certainly the lazy, hazy days of summer...good for catching up on sewing and reading! Hope everyone is enjoying the summer inspite of the heat! I keep telling myself...remember last winter!

What would we complain about if we didn't have the weather to kick around? That's a favorite topic for grumbling around here, with heat index around 110 this afternoon. The same is expected for 3 or 4 more days. Good for growing corn; not good for people.
Nice catch-up CW blocks.
It is almost Iowa State Fair time and it is always hot, hot, hot!
It is hot here in Des Moines too.
Good work on your CW blocks.
Thanks for sharing. Love your Raggie Anne doll so cute.
Carolyn :)
Oh, well, count the a/c/ as a daily blessing...until the bill comes, lol
I like Penelope's sweet face!
Great flutterby pic! Seems the whole nation is sweating out the dog days of summer! Stay cool.
Not quite so hot in the Southeast but hot enough to stay in and sew. Even the dogs don't want to go out in it! Love Penelope .... all of her and her wool applique!
oh I just love Penelope!!! and the quilt in the background wow!!!!!
love that too
have a great day
Beautiful photo of the butterfly. It's pretty hot here in Ohio as well. Sounds like a good day to stay inside and sew. Hope you have a productive day:)
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