Saturday, January 30, 2010
Bitten by a Schnibble bug
It seems that I have been bitten by a Schnibble bug! I purchased a Schnibble pattern and a two charm packs, Old Primrose Inn by Blackbird designs. I think I would have been able to finish it yesterday or today, but other things came along! One of those was a delightful day with my 19 month old grandson, Jack. He is really turning into a mimic, trying out lots of new words. I really do love being a gramma! I am so blessed!
Today, Jim and I decided to install a new floor in our mudroom...and no it is not finished! I had really hoped that we would get all of it done today. Oh well.....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Here he is! John is my great-nephew, and he just turned 9 months old. Is he a cutie or what? My niece was sweet and took pictures of John with his new quilt, so I could put it on my blog.
I am in the process of making him another quilt with pictures of his daddy in it. His daddy has been deployed to Haiti with the US Navy, and will be gone for 6 months. A worthy mission, but I know it is so hard on the families of our service men and women. We need to keep all of them in our prayers.
We are headed to the RV show today, and I am sure that will give us a bigger case of cabin-fever!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Cinnamon Twist is finished!
Another finish for January!
This quilt is made up of 4 inch blocks from a block exchange I participated in a few years ago. My goal was to have it finished for our next retreat for Show and Tell. The quilt is from Jo Morton's book "Remembrance's". I love all the quilts in this book, hope to make most of them! So far, I have made two .
It's another dreary, foggy, drizzly day....yuck! I am so glad today is my day off. A good day to stay inside and sew! I pulled another UFO out of the closet....actually it kinda fell I thought that was a good sign that it needed some attention. Monday, January 18, 2010
Sneak peek.....
I just finished making my sweetie some chocolate chip cookies, thought I would surprise him with them when he comes home from work!
It has been a productive 4 day weekend! Cinnamon Twist is now quilted and has the binding sewn on. I can finish tacking the binding down tonight while watching "24". I have to say that "24" and "American Idol" are the ONLY things I like about January!
And here is a sneak peek at the quilt I am getting ready to quilt next, On Eagle's Wings by Laundry Basket Quilts. It is a paper foundation flying geese pineapple, and let me tell you, I nearly went crazy tearing all that backing off. Instead of using paper, I thought I would try the stuff you can buy at JoAnn's. It sews very nicely, easier than paper, but what a pain to tear off! It does not tear off easily at all! I am so thrilled to have it ready to quilt!
Friday, January 15, 2010
It's in the mail!
It's finished and in the mail! My niece had a baby in April 2009, and it has taken me this long to get it completed. It's winter, and I am sure he will make good use of it now.
Baby John lives in Virginia, so hope I will have a picture of him with his new quilt to show off later on!
This is my first finish for January 2010! Hope to have a couple more before the month is over. The OPAM project such a good idea!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Winter quilts

The rest of the Christmas Decorations came down last weekend. It is really one of my least favorite things to do...the house always seems so forlorn! And there are so many to put away! I only have myslef to my Snowmen and Santas. I am leaving out a couple of my "winter" quilts for at least another month.
I saw a darling little snowman door handle decoration on Mama Pea Quilts blog, and it reminded me that I have that pattern in my "To Do" notebook. Actually, I have two binders full of patterns I would love to do someday, and it is doubtful that it will ever be empty!
I saw a darling little snowman door handle decoration on Mama Pea Quilts blog, and it reminded me that I have that pattern in my "To Do" notebook. Actually, I have two binders full of patterns I would love to do someday, and it is doubtful that it will ever be empty!
I have decided to get a head start on Christmas 2010, so I have started stitching this adorable little piece that I found on Gail Pan's should check her out. She has lots of fun quilts and stitchery pieces.

Friday, January 08, 2010
Baby it's cold outside!

It is about 5 degrees here in KCMO and there is a light snow falling. Tonight there is actually a wind warning because of the subzero temps and the high winds that are expected. A couple more days of this and then it will "warm" up...crazy when one thinks that 20 is warm!
This afternoon will have to be spent in my warm and cozy little sewing room...not complaining at all! A cup of hot tea and my sewing machine....pure bliss!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Snowy afternoon
It is so nice to have Wednesday afternoons off, especially today with the snowstorm coming in this afternoon! When I got home, I was greeted by my grandsons, Jack and Caleb, and daughter, Mary. They all came over in their pajamas and we had a pajama afternoon together with pizza and cartoons. Everyone was getting a bit of cabinfever at their house.
As you can see, I am still in the process of putting away Christmas decorations! I like to put the "noisemaker" decorations on the stairs, so that Jack can make them sing. He eventually had all of them going at one time....Mr Santa Frog croaks Jingle Bells quite loudly!
After they left, I sewed a few more little churn dash blocks for my Cinnamon Twist quilt...I think I only need to make 6 more and I can get it set together on Friday! ....after I finish putting away the rest of the Christmas decorations.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Cinnamon Twist

After church, I was able to grab a couple of hours this afternoon in my sewing room, working on my little quilt. The design is from Jo Morton's book Remembrances and it is the Peppermint Twist quilt. A few years ago, our Jo's Little Women group did a churn dash block exchange at a quilt retreat with Jo. I am finally getting something put together with my blocks. Since I changed from pink to red for my setting blocks, I decided to change the name to Cinnamon Twist. I'm loving the little flying geese border around the applique block!
Hopefully, I will have this done by the time we have our retreat in February. With all the cold, snowy weather we are having, I think it will happen!
Friday, January 01, 2010
A new year
This decade has certainly flown by fast! When this new millenium started, little did I know how many changes would come about for me and my family. I lay in bed thinking this morning of all the new titles I had aquired in the past ten years.....widow, grandmother,great-aunt, mother-in-law, fiance, bride, wife, step-mom and step grandmother. I moved from the country to the city, traveled outside of the United States for the first time, was baptized and became a member of the Community of Christ, bought my own home all by myself, and many new friends came into my life. Wonder what the next decade will bring? Am I ready?
"The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year.
It is that we should have a new soul."
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