Oh my....where is this month going to? Not much sewing getting done around here! When the sun is shining and the weather is so nice, I find it hard to sit and stitch in my sewing room. I have been spending a lot of time digging in the dirt. This morning, I drug out a top that has been lanquishing in the pile of "to be quilted"....it is pressed and the layers are ready to pin. You may recognize it as the "Prairie Vine" quilt from Quilt Sampler Fall/Winter 2007. I changed the applique border to one that was on one of Kim Diehl's quilts, I just could not think about appliquing all those leaves.
The only thing I have actually finished is a cute little pincushion. Mary at Quilt Hollow inspired me with her adorable pincushions. The pattern is here . So very simple to make with scraps!
This morning, the cabinet makers came and put my new countertops in the kitchen...they look awesome! Now I will spend the afternoon putting the drawers and cabinets back together. It's one of those things that forces me to clean out the drawers...notice I used the word "forces".....
Hope you are having a beautiful spring day!