One more finish for 2010! I started these courhouse blocks at a retreat in February. It is finally quilted and bound! Yippee! Now I am wishing I had made it lap size, but it looks great hanging on the wall in the foyer. I started cleaning out my closets in the sewing room...oh my!!! I have way too many WIPS!!! and lots of quilt tops waiting to be quilted.
Maybe one of my New Year resolutions should be to finish a WIP once a month, and not start any new projects...but what's the fun in that? Maybe I could compromise and tell myself that if I drag out a WIP and finish it, I can start a brand new project, and finish it as well. It seems that I have made that resolution many times in the past...a few get done (quilted and bound), so that is the main thing.
Praying that God will give you joy to fill your days, peace to fill your hearts, and love to fill your lives.
May your new year be blessed in every way!

I tried that this past year (not starting new projects but finishing one a month) and like all New Year's resolutions, went by the way of the dodo by the middle of February. I'm sure you will do MUCH better than I did.
love how your quilt turned out. Are you going to retreat this year?
I thought the same thing to get some of my wips done and not start anything new for myself, lets see if it works or not. You never know I may end up with more
The one more is a great finish, I'm happy for you! That's how I felt when I looked at my list of to do's, and said okay, one more, too. I Love to check things off the list!
What a beauty! I love the colors! Happy New Year!
oh I love this one, a great finish!
looking forward to seeing your new projects, your finishes of ufo's in 2011 most of all just enjoy what your working what makes you happy!
Love the scrappy and the blue border! I am trying to finish projects myself. But, just had to start a new little one. It isn't New Years yet!
Oh Sharon .. I love your quilt! I know what you mean about the WIP .. this week I am going to attempt to finish at least two.. They will not be quilted but at least put together.
Happy New Year!
What a beautiful finish! I think all we qulters make the same New Years Resolution every year, and then promptly break it!
Your quilt is wonderful! I love the colors! Oh boy do I hear you about a resolution of finishing up projects but gosh darn it is hard with all the new stuff that comes out daily!! Best of luck and wishing you a Happy New Year!
Oh - I love your quilt! You did a wonderful job! Oh, you're right - there is no fun in just doing UFO's! Think I've given up on planning to get them done - but I do find that I get the urge to work on old projects - and when that hits, I get to them - though probably not soon enough (smile)! Looking forward to seeing your projects in the New Year -old and new!
Every year I make a list of the wips stuffed in cupboards and corners in my sewing room just waiting for a back or border or something. Every year the list seems to get longer but I do have lots of finishes too so that's something!
Oh my your quilt is wonderful! You know those are my favorite colors and fabrics!
I hope your plan works for 2011--- I'm not making any promises cause I might not follow through.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Hugs, Carolyn
The blocks look very small. Can you tell me what size they are? Such a good log cabin quilt.
A beauty indeed!!
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