One more finish for 2010! I started these courhouse blocks at a retreat in February. It is finally quilted and bound! Yippee! Now I am wishing I had made it lap size, but it looks great hanging on the wall in the foyer. I started cleaning out my closets in the sewing room...oh my!!! I have way too many WIPS!!! and lots of quilt tops waiting to be quilted.
Maybe one of my New Year resolutions should be to finish a WIP once a month, and not start any new projects...but what's the fun in that? Maybe I could compromise and tell myself that if I drag out a WIP and finish it, I can start a brand new project, and finish it as well. It seems that I have made that resolution many times in the past...a few get done (quilted and bound), so that is the main thing.
Praying that God will give you joy to fill your days, peace to fill your hearts, and love to fill your lives.
May your new year be blessed in every way!